
Environment Department says it's closing in on tiger that escaped a month ago

"Ankor" escaped from a restaurant zoo and disappeared into what appears to be a very tiger-friendly habitat on Mexico's Pacific coast.

(Photo: Archive/El Universal)
25/11/2015 |21:17AP |
Redacción El Universal
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A tiger named "Ankor" marked a full month on the run Wednesday, having evaded capture since it escaped from a restaurant zoo and disappeared into what appears to be a very tiger-friendly habitat on Mexico's Pacific coast.

Mexican authorities have mounted a full-scale search effort including police, soldiers and a group of 10 big-cat experts. They are looking in an area of low woods dotted with marshes, reeds and stands of button mangrove west of the resort of Acapulco.

The country's environmental protection agency said Wednesday it had identified the area where Ankor has taken up residence and said it expects to capture him "in the next few days."

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Officials have been making similar claims since the male tiger escaped from the Mangrove Paradise zoo area Oct. 26.