
Investigation on mass burials in Morelos

The authorities are called to protect the family of a young man buried in a mass grave.

Oliver Wenceslao Navarrete was buried there even when his identity was determined. (Photo: File/CIUDADANOS.MX)
24/11/2015 |18:40Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) is investigating the case of young Oliver Wenceslao Navarrete Hernández and dozens of bodies in mass graves in Tetelcingo, Morelos, requesting protection for the families of those buried there.

The case became widely known after a mother in the area accused the state prosecutor of burying her son, who was kidnapped and murdered, in March 2014.

The woman explained that her son Wenceslas was identified, but the authorities refused to deliver the body to her under the argument of looking for those responsible of his death. He spent almost a year in the Coroner's, until he was buried along hundreds of unclaimed bodies in a pit in Tetelcingo.

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In a statement, the CNDH reported that Ombudsman Raúl González Perez, met with Oliver's relatives, representatives of the families of dissappeared people, human rights activist Father Alejandro Solalinde, poet Javier Sicilia and the dean of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Jesús Alejandro Vera.

During the meeting, they proposed a dialogue between the Office of the Attorney General, the University and the Ministry of the Interior to review the subject.

Aditionally, the Ombudsman ordered a team headed by the Second General Visitor, Enrique Guadarrama López, to move immediately to the scene.