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Paquete económico para 2025 endeuda más al país; incumple con la promesa de reducir el PIB a 3.5%, advierten organizaciones
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Morena celebra alta aprobación de Sheinbaum como respaldo a la 4T; oposición advierte que “ninguna luna de miel es eterna”
Ken Salazar resalta colaboración de México-EU contra cambio climático; refuerza el liderazgo de América del Norte en la lucha
Erradicación de la violencia de género, prioridad de Olga Sánchez Cordero; aboga por la igualdad desde la infancia en congreso 50+1
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) issued a travel warning for Belgium, recommending extreme caution while traveling to that country.
On November 21, the government of Belgium ordered the highest alert level in the country for terrorist attacks, with special attention in Brussels, and the SRE recommended all Mexicans living or traveling to that country to report to the consular system.
It also recommended getting travel insurance to deal with possible eventualities.
The SRE also pointed out that it is preferable to avoid crowded places, such as concerts or shopping centers, and to minimize the use of public transportation, avoiding subway and train stations, during the alert.