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Senadores del PVEM llaman a no regalar mascotas en Día de Reyes; “no son objetos de temporada ni juguetes”, enfatizan
IMSS reconoce a enfermeras y enfermeros; cuenta con 122 mil profesionales y más de 20 mil se han integrado recientemente
El 8 de enero inicia proceso de preinscripción para escuelas públicas de la CDMX; registro será en línea
FGR en Nuevo León obtuvo 228 sentencias en 2024; aseguró marihuana, metanfetamina, fentanilo y otras sustancias
¿Quiénes forman la nueva Secretaría Anticorrupción y Buen Gobierno, que sustituye al Inai?; estos son sus integrantes
Several houses in the town of Bobigny, in the outskirts of Paris, were raided by the French police in relation to the attacks last Friday in the city, according to sources quoted by local media.
According to France Info radio, the searches are being conducted and there are no further details about their results or reasons behind them.
The French are looking for the brother of one of the suicide bombers that was blown up to pieces after having conducted part of the killings of last Friday.
His picture was disseminated by the French police so that it could be identified by witnesses.
According to researches, he is 26-year-old Salah Abdeslam, the one who rented the car used by the terrorists to go to the Bataclan, where they killed most of the more than 129 people who died in the attacks.