
Mexico names international experts to probe missing students

Seven experts from five countries have been named to carry out a new review of the area where the 43 students were allegedly incinerated.

(Photo: Archive/El Universal)
08/10/2015 |16:10AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican prosecutors say they have picked seven experts from five countries to carry out a new review of the area where drug gang members allegedly killed and incinerated 43 missing college students.

Prosecutors have said the students were killed and incinerated at a garbage dump, and their charred bone fragments dumped in a river.

But a group of experts assembled by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights concluded a pyre of that magnitude couldn't have occurred there.

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One of the experts on that panel was José Luis Torero of the University of Queensland, Australia. The Attorney General's Office said Thursday that Torero has been invited to join the new investigation, along with experts from Mexico, the United States, Canada, Spain and Germany.

It's not clear whether Torero will accept.