
Facebook testing out new emotion buttons

The buttons represent the emotions of love, yay, ha ha, wow, angry and sad.

Facebook is testing Reactions in Ireland and Spain starting Thursday, with the hope of eventually rolling them out globally soon. (Photo: Special)
08/10/2015 |11:00AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Sometimes "liking" something just isn't enough. And sometimes typing out a thoughtful comment about how you feel about someone's Facebook post isn't an option.

To fill that gap, Facebook is introducing Reactions. Instead of the "dislike" button many Facebook users have been clamoring for, the Menlo Park, California-based social network is testing out buttons that represent the emotions of love, yay, ha ha, wow, angry and sad.

Chris Cox, Facebook's chief product officer, says in a post that the new buttons address the spirit of the request for a "dislike" button, but in a broader way.

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Facebook is testing Reactions in Ireland and Spain starting Thursday, with the hope of eventually rolling them out globally soon.