
Popocatépetl spews 34 exhalations and 6 explosions

Since this morning, the volcano has had continuous emissions of steam and gas.

(Photo: Cenapred)
07/10/2015 |20:18Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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According to the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) the monitoring system of Popocatépetl volcano registered 34 low-intensity exhalations during the last 24 hours.

Six small explosions were also egistered followed by tremor, which produced ash emissions and the expulsion of incandescent fragments to distances of up to 300 m from the crater on the northeast slopes.

The most intense activity occurred between 18:00 h yesterday and midnight.

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Two volcano-tectonic events also occurred at 05:23 and 06:43 h, with magnitudes of 1.8 and 2.0 respectively.
Since this morning, the volcano has had continuous emissions of steam and gas.