
U.N.'s Human Rights Commissioner arrives in Mexico

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein looks to strengthen dialog and collaboration.

Al Hussein began an official visit to Mexico. (Photo: @ONUDHmexico)
04/10/2015 |22:02Pierre-Marc René |
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican government received on Sunday the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, who began an official visit to check on the progress and the challenges presented by the country.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that Al Hussein seeks to strengthen the collaboration with the Mexican government in order to identify new areas of cooperation to promote and protect human rights at the national and international levels.

The visit, which will end on October 7, is done under an invitation from the Mexican government.

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Al Hussein will meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto, as well as with the Ministers of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, National Defense and Navy.

He also will have meetings with the National Security Commissioner, the Attorney General, the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, as well as the leaders of the Senate and the Lower Chamber, among others.

Al Hussein will also hold meetings with the president of the National Human rights Commission, representatives of the diplomatic corps and civic organizations.