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Cae “El Buchanas”, ordenó ataque a bar “Bling Bling” en Cuautitlán Izcalli; “hechos no quedarán impunes”, dice García Harfuch
Prisión preventiva oficiosa transgrede normas internacionales: ONU-DH; “Detener automáticamente a las personas viola sus derechos”
Alista Senado nueva Ley General de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y Afromexicanos; deberán consultar a Claudia Sheinbaum
Birmex cancela investigación de mercado para medicamentos, denuncia diputado del PAN; Gobierno seleccionará precios arbitrarios, acusa
The immigration debate is front and center in the San Francisco sheriff's race following a killing in which a Mexican man in the country illegally has been charged.
Incumbent Ross Mirkarimi faces a challenge Tuesday from a 30-year veteran of the San Francisco Sheriff's Department.
Vicki Hennessy says she wants to restore credibility to the department after several embarrassments since Mirkarimi took office in 2012.
Mirkarimi says he has owned up to his missteps, including a misdemeanor false imprisonment conviction for grabbing his wife's arm during a spat in 2011.
The pivotal issue in the race is the city's policy of shielding people in the country illegally from the reach of federal immigration officials.
The department released the Mexican national despite a federal immigration request to detain him. He is accused of killing a San Francisco woman.