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Comisión de Defensa en San Lázaro avala reforma sobre ascensos para médicos militares; busca incentivar especialización
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In a game between "eagles" and "roosters," turned out that the latter were able to fly higher in the Azteca stadium of Mexico City.
Gallos Blancos Querétaro defeated Águilas America by a score of 1-0 in a 14-date match of the Apertura 2015 tournament.
After a series of missing opportunities, Gallos opened the score 53 minutes into the game, when Emmanuel Villa scored his 12 goal of the tournament with a cross shot.
The locals reacted, but the leave of star Oribe Peralta due to injury affected them.
With this result, the team coached by Ignacio Ambriz closed the day with 24 points, partially with the third position in the tournament, while Manuel Vucetich's kids inched closer to Playoffs by adding 18 points.