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Conagua: Acuerdo por el Agua contempla cambio de visión en la gestión; “deja de verse como mercancía y se reconoce como derecho", dice
Con reforma a la SSPC, la Presidenta puso a la seguridad como una prioridad: Claudia Rivera; destaca creación de Plataforma México
Sheinbaum firma con gobernadores de oposición Acuerdo Nacional por el Derecho Humano al Agua; urgente gestionarla eficazmente, destacan
Sheinbaum ante violencia en Tabasco: Estamos trabajando en estrategias; destaca coordinación de autoridades
Senado celebra registro de casi 12 mil aspirantes para elección judicial; “marca un hito en la historia jurídica", dice
Inaceptables, niveles de violencia alcanzados con la 4T: Alito Moreno; “paz y tranquilidad han sido arrebatadas”, dice
The Department of Public Security of Mexico City (SSPDF) has placed over 4,500 police officers in charge of the security of the participants in the march in memory of the students killed in Tlatelolco on October 2, 1968.
Yesterday, the authorities had reported that 800 officers of the transit authority would be in charge of security, while the head of the Department of Public Security, Hiram de Almeida, said to EL UNIVERSAL that 2,600 police officers, most of them from the transit area, would be in charge of the operation.
Today, the number was increased by the authorities, adding that the force will include officers from the Proximity, Metropolitan, Transit, Auxiliary, Banking and Industrial police, as well as the Rescues and Medical Emergencies Squad, all of them with support of 302 patrols, motorcycles, vans, and two helicopters.
Also, the police will safeguard the buildings of the Local and Federal Government, as well as the premises of the Mexican Stock Exchange, the U.S. Embassy, hotels, shopping areas, and others.
According to the SSPDF, the "March for the XLVII Anniversary of October 02, 1968" will be attended by approximately 20 different organizations, which will depart at 4:00 p.m. from the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, in the area of Tlatelolco, towards the Zócalo, the main quarter.
Different groups will take different routes to the Zócalo.
The parents of the missing 43 students from Ayotzinapa, as well as students from different institutions and members of unions.