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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto expressed that the concerted effort of the three levels of government and the "converged" action of the federal agencies will reverse poverty levels in the country.
Heading the ceremony for the World Food Day and the International Day of Rural Women, Peña Nieto expressed that the latest data has allowed to see two realities in Mexico: An increase in the number of people in poverty and a fall in the cases of extreme poverty.
In that context, FAO called on all sectors of the Mexican society to take as their own and to endorse the National Crusade Against Hunger. "To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger is not only a responsibility of a government," expressed Ferdinand de Soto, representative in Mexico of the world body.
At the same time, Peña Nieto emphasized the efforts to reduce poverty, including the National Crusade Against Hunger, the creation of 8,000 community kitchens and the support to small producers.
He said that after 34 months of his government, more than 4.5 million Mexicans live in extreme poverty, in contrast with the seven million identified from 2012.
"But we cannot be alone in this effort, which is important and that is helping us reverse extreme poverty," he said.