
Sting asks Mexican Government to investigate disappearances

The singer met the families of the victims.

The British star supports the activities of Amnesty International. (Photo: Yadín Xolalpa)
12/10/2015 |17:17
Redacción El Universal
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The British musician Sting, the former bassist of The Police, exhorted the Mexican Government to investigates and bring to justice those responsible for the disappearance of thousands of people in this country.

The singer, who offered a concert on Saturday in the central state of Morelos, met with members of several families, three Mexicans and one from Honduras, in support to a campaign of nongovernmental organization It Amnesties International (AI) against the disappearances in Mexico.

"I met some of their families, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. I call the Government of Mexico to pursue these cases in a more vigorous way," he declared according to AI.

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"It is not difficult to imagine the anxiety and the anguish that the families suffer when a loved one disappears without a track or an explanation ... and when they try to find them they are frustrated by the apparent indifference of the authorities before a situation that has reached epidemic levels in Mexico," he added.

AI's director for the Americas of AI, Erika Guevara Rosas, said that the disappearances "are not a tragedy from the past in Latin-America" and noticed that the number of missing persons in this country has reached almost 27,000 since the end of 2006.

"Any person here is a potential target and the authorities are doing little or nothing to find them and to punish those responsible," she said.