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Tribunal Electoral rechaza opinar sobre acción de la SCJN contra reforma judicial; señala falta de competencia
VIDEO Norma Piña destaca el valor del Poder Judicial ante calumnias y agresiones; “han redoblado esfuerzos con integridad”
INE aprueba presupuesto precautorio de 13 mil mdp para elección judicial; organización sigue pausada por suspensiones
Juez multa con más de 50 mil pesos a 11 consejeros del INE; desacatan prohibición sobre preparativos de elección judicial
Relatoría de CIDH repudia violencia contra periodistas y medios en México; estas situaciones generan autocensura, afirma
Mexican Health Minister Mercedes Juan received to Raúl Elizalde, father eight-year-old Grace, a girl affected by the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome which causes her to experience seizures.
Juan offered him support for specialized medical care in the hospitals and the National Institutes of Health.
During the meeting at the offices of the Ministry, Juan recognized the urgency of addressing the case and stressed that the priority is to improve the girl's quality of life of the lower.
The girl's treatment is based on CBD, an oil derived from cannabis which has to be imported from the United States.