
Regulations for Mexico's new energy trust due this month

Regulations for "Fibra E" will be ready by the end of this month, Mexico's Deputy Finance Minister Fernando Aportela said on Friday.

(Photo: Reuters)
04/09/2015 |15:01Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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Regulations for a newly-created Mexican energy infrastructure investment vehicle called "Fibra E" will be ready by the end of this month, Mexico's Deputy Finance Minister Fernando Aportela said on Friday.

Both public and private companies will be able to issue the "Fibra E" asset-backed securities, and the vehicle's assets can be in a wide range of sectors, including energy, oil and gas, basic infrastructure and jails, Aportela said in an interview.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto announced the creation of the "Fibra E" investment vehicle during his annual address to the nation this week.

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Reuters reported last week that authorities are putting the finishing touches on rules for the vehicles, which will be similar to American "Master Limited Partnerships" (MLP).