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The new head of the Institute for Security and Social Services for State employees (ISSSTE), José Reyes Baeza, announced that in two weeks the investigation of the alleged negligence in the death of his predecessor Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada will end.
A security camera video was presented by EL UNIVERSAL, showing what seemed like the deficient attentions provided to Lerdo de Tejada in the Adolfo López Mateos, where he arrived because of a stroke.
Lerdo de Tejada died on May 22 due to myocardial infarction.
The three-minutes video demonstrates that Lerdo de Tejada did not enter the emergency area, but was transferred to the intensive care unit. Standard equipment as a defibrillator was not used and only an oxygen tank, carried by a person in a white coat, was in the scene.
He was given heart massage, but it was stopped for 23 seconds because the stretcher's cart had a failure in one of the wheels and stopped moving until it was repaired.
In an interview with Radio Fórmula, Reyes Baeza said that three internal agencies are working on the investigation: the internal control organs, the supervision committee and an internal committee for medical complaints.
"I have had several meetings with members of these collegiate bodies. I can say that we are within days to finally have an opinion which will enable us to determine what happened with technical elements in regard to the alleged negligence," he said.