
Peña Nieto meets with Bill Clinton at the UN

They spoke about the global agenda on the environment.

Clinton leads the 'Clinton Global Initiative 2015,' which analyzes the various proposals to reverse climate change. (Photo: SPECIAL)
28/09/2015 |16:58Horacio Jiménez |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto met with former U.S. President Bill Clinton in the framework of his activities during the LXX General Assembly of the United Nations.

According to information disseminated by the office of the Presidency, they spoke about the global agenda in the field of environment and climate change.

Clinton leads the Annual Meeting of the "Clinton Global Initiative," which analyzes the various proposals of the world's governments to reverse climate change.

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Peña Nieto was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Claudia Ruiz Massieu; the Ambassador of Mexico in the U.S., Miguel Basáñez, and the Chief of the Office of the Presidency, Francisco Guzmán Ortiz, among other officials.