
No major incidents during Ayotzinapa march

Around 18,000 participated in the march according to the authorities.

Some anarchist groups attacked buildings during the march. (Photo: Carlos Mejía/EL UNIVERSAL)
26/09/2015 |20:44
Redacción El Universal
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The Department of Government of Mexico City reported that the march to mark the first anniversary of the disappearance of 43 students from the teachers school in Ayotzinapa ended with no major incidents to report.

But, members of self-styled anarchist groups attacked and injured two traffic police officers as well as attacked and vandalized buildings with paint, broke windows and threw diverse projectiles against buildings in the area.

According to the authorities, the march which started in the presidential residence of Los Pinos all the way to el Zócalo, the central square, had some 15,000 participants, while the protest in their destiny attracted some 18,000.

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In a release, the authorities indicated that a group moving in parallel to the main march vandalized and attacked diverse buildings, among them the Mexican Senate, the Palace of Bellas Artes and diverse stores in the area.

"Social and human rights organizations that accompanied the march interacted with them in order to try to persuade them to stop, but the assaults continued," reported the authorities.

After this, Grenadiers of the Department of Public Security of Mexico City intervened to control the aggressors, who were scattered.

In spite of the injuries caused to the police officers, there were no arrested.

Once the violent groups were removed, the people ended the march in el Zócalo and conducted their rally. At the conclusion of the event, they retired in a peaceful manner.