The parents of the 43 missing students of the "Isidro Burgos" teachers training college in Ayotzinapa have finished their fasting, convened in central Zócalo of Mexico City, almost a year after the disappearance of their children.

A spokesman for the parents, Felipe de la Cruz, has expressed that they reject the creation of a Special Prosecutor for Missing Persons and would prefer instead to work with a Specialized Search Unit. "We reject the creation of the Prosecutor because many have been formed already and in the end all the crimes end up being forgotten."

In addition, Vidulfo Rosales, lawyer of the parents, expressed that they are not in disagreement with the creation of the prosecutor's office, but agreed that it should be centered in the Ayotzinapa case.

Also, Rosales made it clear that the creation of this instance must be accompanied by a process of consultation with the relatives of the missing youngsters, and it must also work in coordination with them.

The parents of the missing students added that they will not give up the fight for their children and agreed that those responsible must be punished, as well as those who incurred on irregularities during the investigations of the incident that happened on September 26, 2014, in the city of Iguala.

De la Cruz added in the name of the Ayotzinapa parents that "we demand that they tell us where are the kids and we need that the culprits pay directly for this."

He also called the Mexican and international society to participate tomorrow in the "World Dignity March" that they will begin at 12:00 in the vicinity of the official residence of Los Pinos, leading all the way to the Zócalo, where they will conduct a protest before returning to Guerrero in order to participate in another protest.

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