
Community police detains policemen in Guerrero

They demand the release of four of their comrades.

Their colleagues were arrested for attacking the police. (Photo: Dassaev Téllez/EL UNIVERSAL)
01/09/2015 |23:00Juan Cervantes / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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The Community Police and neighbors of the area of Petaquillas retained state police offers and blocked the Mexico-Acapulco highway in the municipality of Chilpancingo, to demand the release of four of their colleagues.

The authorities are currently talking with the protesters in order to negotiate an exchange of prisoners.

It all started when community police officers ordered a person in civilian attire to stop. The person was a state police officer and did not comply, so he was shot at and wounded in the arm.

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He fled to the offices of the State Attorney, followed by the community officers, who detained four policemen between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m.