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Defenderemos al Inai y al resto de los órganos autónomos: Jorge Romero; afirma que Morena busca que siga la opacidad
Tribunal obliga al IMSS Jalisco a indemnizar a menor y su madre; negligencia médica dejó secuelas permanentes en la niña
Vinculan a proceso a exfuncionarios del SAT; exmandos son acusados de atentar contra el fisco por más de 170 mdp
“No somos menos, somos iguales”; Claudia Sheinbaum reconoce que agresiones a mujeres son por discriminación
Violencia contra las mujeres no debe frenarnos: María Elena Ríos; llama a legisladoras a reformar leyes para evitar feminicidios
Family and business partners have identified two more Mexican tourists who died Sunday when Egyptian forces hunting militants mistakenly attacked their convoy in the western desert.
The Queta Rojas modeling agency says founder and fashion expert Queta Rojas was among the dead. The website says Rojas represented some of Mexico's top models and worked with major magazines such as Marie Claire and Glamour.
The National Action Party of Jalisco state confirmed the death of María Elena Cruz Muñoz, a former congresswoman, Guadalajara city council member and director of the Women's Institute of Guadalajara. State PAN President Gustavo Macías Zambrano called on Mexico's government to make sure those responsible for the attack are punished.
Eight Mexican tourists died and six were injured in the attack, which killed 12 people in all.