
Mexican dies in Arizona detention center

Juan García Hernández had a collapse.

Citizenship and Immigration Services notified the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix. (Photo: File/Reuters)
15/09/2015 |18:18Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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A Mexican immigrant died after suffering a collapse inside an immigration detention center in Florence, Arizona, where he was being held pending his deportation, according to the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The agency reported that 39-year-old Juan García Hernández collapsed Monday afternoon outside a medical unit located in the interior of the detention center, after a visit to the medical staff.

In spite of the efforts of the staff and the emergency services, the immigrant died in situ, according to the report.

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ICE officials reported that the death of the immigrant was "immediately" notified to the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix and then they worked in coordination with the consular representatives to report the death to the family of García Hernández.

García Hernández received a grant of voluntary departure from the country by the Board of Immigration Appeals in March 2014, meaning that he would have to leave the U.S. in a 60-day period.

He appealed this order and was awarded a one-year stay in the country for humanitarian reasons in June 2014. At the time of his death he was facing a final deportation order and was expected to be repatriated to Mexico.

García Hernández is the seventh person to die under the custody of the ICE during the current fiscal year, which will conclude on September 30, expressed ICE officials.