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Senadores del PVEM llaman a no regalar mascotas en Día de Reyes; “no son objetos de temporada ni juguetes”, enfatizan
IMSS reconoce a enfermeras y enfermeros; cuenta con 122 mil profesionales y más de 20 mil se han integrado recientemente
El 8 de enero inicia proceso de preinscripción para escuelas públicas de la CDMX; registro será en línea
FGR en Nuevo León obtuvo 228 sentencias en 2024; aseguró marihuana, metanfetamina, fentanilo y otras sustancias
The Mexican government, representatives of the parents of the missing Ayotzinapa students and members of the international experts group of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights agreed to a meeting between the President Enrique Peña Nieto and representatives of the aforementioned groups on September 24.
Peña Nieto has ordered the authorities to analyze the conclusions of the members of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts and incorporate them to the investigation conducted by the Office of the Attorney General.
Mexico will also continue with the investigations on the Ayotzinapa case, expressed the Ministry of the Interior in a press release.