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Republican candidate Donald Trump agreed today to talk about immigration in a Q&A with the president of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), Javier Palomarez, to be held in Washington on October 8.
The controversial candidate, known for his attacks against immigrants, and the business leader, a strong supporter of immigration reform, agreed to meet in a public encounter, with Palomarez presenting 10 questions to Trump and the press having the chance to get more detailed answers.
The agreement was reached today during a meeting requested by the Trump campaign to the USHCC, which had invited the real state tycoon to participate in the series of meetings between the organization and the presidential candidates being held since April, according to Ammar Campa-Najjar, head of communications of the USHCC.
"Javier was very surprised by the attitude of Trump. Very positive, very humble, hospitable, friendly. Nothing of what we would have expected from his public speeches and the way he appears before media. We are surprised by him," expressed Campa-Najjar, who was present at the meeting.
During the meeting, Palomarez warned Trump to not expect to get the White House without any respect for the Hispanic community and the Latino vote, which are called to play a key role in the presidential election of 2016.