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Relatoría de CIDH repudia violencia contra periodistas y medios en México; estas situaciones generan autocensura, afirma
By Giselle Rodríguez
The Mexican publishing house Fondo de Cultura Económica launched a library on wheels that will carry about 500 titles in Spanish through several U.S. cities.
The "Book Truck" rolled out yesterday at Ruocco Park in San Diego and there are plans for it to visit New York, Chicago, Laredo and Miami in the coming weeks.
"We decided that instead of waiting for readers to come search books to our warehouse in San Diego or a small store at the building of the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, books would go out to the streets to search readers," José Carreño, director of the Fondo de Cultura Económica publishing house, said on a statement.
In an open criticism to Donald Trump's comments against Mexican immigrants, Carreño wrote on Twitter: "No deportation project can succeed if it is met by a community aware of its strengths and united by reading."
He added that "with his offensive language, Trump is not only being hostile against the nationals of a neighbor country but also against 10% of the population of his own country."