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Secretaria de las Mujeres busca disminuir feminicidios con promotoras de derechos; creará línea para atención a víctimas
Diputada María Teresa Ealy Díaz promueve unidad y tradición en la CDMX; celebra Día de Reyes en la MH
Comisión de Defensa en San Lázaro avala reforma sobre ascensos para médicos militares; busca incentivar especialización
Buscan vinculación a proceso de hotelero por fraude en Baja California Sur; afectados fueron secuestrados al exigir pago
Senado alista mecanismo para garantizar elección judicial tras suspensión del Comité del PJF; Noroña acusa sabotaje
Javier Hernández is receiving all the facilities to leave the "Red Devils" for the Bundesliga, according to the British press.
"(Coach) Louis van Gaal has informed Javier Hernández that he can leave Manchester United before the end of the transfers on Tuesday night, and Bayer Leverkusen is the favorite to sign the 27-year-old player," published The Telegraph in its website.
Hernández, who last year was on loan with Real Madrid, has attracted the interest of the Marseille and the West Ham United. But maybe he wants to play the Champions League and opt for the "Aspirins".