The Mexican film "The Golden Cage," directed by Spanish-Mexican Diego Quemada-Diez arrives today to Los Angeles after obtaining 81 international prizes, with the aim of pointing at the absurdities of criminalizing immigration.

In an interview before arriving to Tijuana, Quemada-Diez expressed his satisfaction with the movie's arrival to the U.S., "where a gentleman named Donald Trump lives and there is a grave situation for Mexican immigrants and Central-Americans."

He expressed that the movie premieres in two theaters, one in Hollywood and another in the east of Los Angeles, and later in one in San Diego. Finally, on September 4, it will premiere in New York.

Subsequently, the following week it will be premiered in Washington D.C. and then it is expected to offer it in Chicago, Miami "and, hopefully, we can keep adding cities."

Quemada-Diez added that he is working with immigrants and activists to promote the premiere, as well as a different view on the immigration problem, which is something that is happening also in Europe.

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