
One billion people used Facebook in a day

On Monday Mark Zuckerberg said that one out of seven people on Earth logged in to the social network.

Overall, Facebook has nearly 1.5 billion users who log in at least once a month. (Photo: AP)
27/08/2015 |18:14AP |
Redacción El Universal
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For the first time, a billion people used Facebook in a single day on Monday.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg marked the occasion with a post on his Facebook page, saying that one out of seven people on Earth logged in to the social network to connect with their friends and family.

The 1 billion figure is different from the daily user numbers Facebook discloses each quarter when it reports its financial results. Those are the average number of daily users, counted over a 30-day period. Facebook had 968 million daily active users in June.

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Overall, Facebook has nearly 1.5 billion users who log in at least once a month.