Más Información
Secretaria de las Mujeres busca disminuir feminicidios con promotoras de derechos; creará línea para atención a víctimas
Diputada María Teresa Ealy Díaz promueve unidad y tradición en la CDMX; celebra Día de Reyes en la MH
Comisión de Defensa en San Lázaro avala reforma sobre ascensos para médicos militares; busca incentivar especialización
Buscan vinculación a proceso de hotelero por fraude en Baja California Sur; afectados fueron secuestrados al exigir pago
Senado alista mecanismo para garantizar elección judicial tras suspensión del Comité del PJF; Noroña acusa sabotaje
Attorney General Arely Gómez said that Mexico will send to the Austrian University of Innsbruck samples of clothes and objects of the 43 teachers in training of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, almost a year after they were victims of enforced disappearance.
The request was made before the members of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that is conducting a parallel investigation on the case.
Gómez explained that the federal government has captured eight more people involved in the disappearance of the students and added that the investigation will continue until all the culprits are arrested.