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INE advierte riesgo en elecciones de ocho estados por falta de recursos; los más afectados son Yucatán, Guerrero y Zacatecas
“Don Neto”, exfundador del Cártel de Guadalajara solicita libertad anticipada; casi termina sentencia por el asesinato de Kiki Camarena
Sheinbaum supervisa avances de Pensión para Mujeres en Aguascalientes; “¡Bienvenida!“, dice gobernadora Teresa Jiménez
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The office of the Attorney General of the State of the State of Michoacán requested a period of four months to investigate the killing of a three-year-old girl who was drowned by an adult in a hotel's swimming pool.
At the conclusion of the period starting August 21, the Prosecutor could request a two months extension in order to complete the investigation.
The suspect is on preventive prison since August 21 and is facing charges of homicide.
The death of the girl happened on August 12, after the man threw her repeatedly into the pool and kept her underwater for several seconds, but the suspect was not arrested until last Friday.