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Laura Bozzo announced that she will file a suit against Verónica Juárez Piña, legislator of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), for moral damage.
The legislator introduced a proposal to analyze the contents of the program of the Peruvian hostess, which could be expelled from the country because "she is widely known for a TV show full of mediocrity, sensationalism, incitement to violence, falsehood and without credibility that humiliates and degrades the people who choose to participate in it. Moreover, it is broadcast at an inappropriate time, when children and teenagers can also watch it," Juárez said.
In a radio interview with Ciro Gómez Leyva, Bozzo said that she has not received any notification or complaint for the content of her program and that she has not been threatened with deportation.
"I am tired of being used as a smokescreen for problems and I want her to stop messing with me," the presenter said.
Other PRD members such as Fernando Belaunzarán and Jesús Zambrano have expressed their support to Juárez.