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Secretaria de las Mujeres busca disminuir feminicidios con promotoras de derechos; creará línea para atención a víctimas
Diputada María Teresa Ealy Díaz promueve unidad y tradición en la CDMX; celebra Día de Reyes en la MH
Comisión de Defensa en San Lázaro avala reforma sobre ascensos para médicos militares; busca incentivar especialización
Buscan vinculación a proceso de hotelero por fraude en Baja California Sur; afectados fueron secuestrados al exigir pago
Senado alista mecanismo para garantizar elección judicial tras suspensión del Comité del PJF; Noroña acusa sabotaje
Civil Protection authorities in the state of Chiapas reported that the tornado that struck the city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas left 412 dwellings affected in 11 neighborhoods.
Mayor Roberto Morales Ortega expressed that the preliminary information points out at extensive damages in houses, cisterns and light poles after the tornado, which was accompanied by rains of 1,60 inches and a hailstorm that lasted for 30 minutes.
He added that the head of state civil protection, Victor Manuel García Moreno, and Brigadier Ernesto Aguilera Casado, Commander of the 31st Military Zone, visited the affected areas.
He said that Governor Manuel Velasco Coello instructed the authorities to support the affected population, as well those taken to the temporary shelter known as "La Albarrada," south of the city.