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Ebrard rechaza argumentos de producción de autos chinos en México; “se ha politizado mucho el tema”, dice
After several corporations cut their ties with the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his racist comments about Mexican immigrants, he said that he didn't expect the backlash would be "quite this severe."
"I knew it was going to be bad because I was told this. All my life I have been told this: If you are successful, you don't run for office," Trump said in an interview on Fox News, "I didn't know it was going to be quite this severe, but I really knew it was going to be bad."
"It seems like I'm sort of the whipping post because I bring it up. And I don't understand whether you are liberal or whether you are conservative or whether you are Republican, Democrat -- why wouldn't you talk about a problem?. The crime is raging. It's violent, and people don't want to even talk about it. If you talk about it, you are a racist. I don't understand it." Trump added.
Trump also said that his presidential run so far has been bad for his brand.
"For the people who say I'm doing it for my brand - this isn't good for my brand. I think it's bad for my brand," he said. "You know, maybe I'm leading in polls, but this is certainly not good. I lose customers, I lose people."