
Salma Hayek on Trump: 'I cannot be insulted by stupidity'

"I see through the manipulation. We have something to learn from this" the Mexican actress told Los Angeles Times.

(Photo: Archive/EFE)
31/07/2015 |18:34Notimex |
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Mexican actress Salma Hayek said in an interview with Los Angeles Times "I’m not insulted because I cannot be insulted by stupidity" referring to the remarks made by the business mogul Donald Trump about Mexican immigrants.

"Everybody’s entitled to be dumb. But I’m not dumb, so I see through the manipulation. We have something to learn from this,” Hayek said. “That is that the educated people or the people with great human values have to wake up, because they are under the illusion that most of this country is like them and sometimes they don’t even go to vote.”

The Mexican actress added  “I’m aware that he would say anything to attract attention, and create publicity around him. So if something can generate publicity, I would never be surprised about anything he does.”

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