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“Don Neto”, exfundador del Cártel de Guadalajara solicita libertad anticipada; casi termina sentencia por el asesinato de Kiki Camarena
Sheinbaum supervisa avances de Pensión para Mujeres en Aguascalientes; “¡Bienvenida!“, dice gobernadora Teresa Jiménez
Caso Ayotzinapa: Cae “El Cholo” Palacios en Tlatlaya, jefe de plaza de “Guerreros Unidos”; está implicado en la desaparición de los 43
Detienen a cuatro extranjeros con más de mil kilos de cocaína en Acapulco; Marina ha asegurado cerca de 51 toneladas en 2024
Operativo contra funcionarios municipales en Edomex lleva 7 detenidos: García Harfuch; tareas continúan
Organizaciones civiles exponen necesidades del campo a diputados; es necesario reasignar entre 4 y 5 mil mdp para el sector, estiman
Authorities say 43 people remain hospitalized two days after a runaway truck plowed into a procession of Roman Catholic celebrants, killing 27 people in central Mexico.
The country's Health Department reports that 10 of the injured are in serious condition and one is considered critical. The rest are stable.
Pope Francis sent a note of condolences Friday to the families of the victims that was distributed by the Mexican Bishops' Conference.
The town of Mazapil in Zacatecas state was celebrating the festival of its patron, Jesús Nazareno, with a procession down a main street Wednesday night.
Authorities say the truck's brakes failed and it slammed into the crowd.
Investigators have been searching for the driver, who apparently fled the scene of the crash.