
Cocaine diluted in mulberry pulp found in Mexico

The pulp was frozen on 120 barrels.

The authorities found it when it was being introduced to the country. (Photo: SPECIAL)
27/07/2015 |20:51
Redacción El Universal
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The federal authorities detected in Manzanillo 120 barrels of mulberry pulp with cocaine diluted in them, in a shipment from Colombia, according to the Revenue Administration Service (SAT).

The authorities reported the unprecedented way of hiding the drug in the barrels containing 52,910 pounds of a frozen mixture of pulp, water and cocaine paste.

SAT reported that the new method to import cocaine is hard to detect, but the new technologies help to do it.

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The agency reported that the company looking to import the merchandise works in agricultural and horticultural services and is supposedly located in Zamora, Michoacán. But the address provided in its documentation corresponds to an abandoned building in a residential area.