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The American-Honduran actress penned an open letter to Trump on the Huffington Post for his "ignorant and racist" remarks he made last month on immigrants.
"Thank you for reminding us that there remains an antiquated and endangered species of bigots in this country that we must continue to combat." Ugly Betty actress wrote.
She also went on to list statistics about Latinos and how they are the "largest, youngest and fastest-growing constituency" in the U.S.
"I hope by now you understand that without the Latino vote, there is no chance of you ever winning this election," Ferrera said. "If you don't believe me, you could ask President Bush or you could even ask President Obama."
"Thank you for reminding us to not sit complacently at home on election day, but to run to the polls and proclaim that there is no place for your brand of racial politicking in our government." She wrote.