
Central America reacts to El Chapo's escape

Guatemala has sealed the border with Mexico

A luxury plane was found abandoned in Honduras. (Photo: Courtesy La Prensa de Honduras)
18/07/2015 |10:21Ariadna García |
Redacción El Universal
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The escape of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera had the security forces of Guatemala to seal its border with Mexico in order to keep the criminal from crossing into its territory.

In the process, some people have been arrested and put under investigation to see if they have any relation with the escapee.

Yesterday, the Honduran authorities found a luxury aircraft abandoned some 300 from Tegucigalpa. The Honduran police reported that the pilots were identified as Carlos Rafael Ramírez and Enrique Gaona Areas, who were able to escape, while the passenger is Víctor Alberto Calderón, who is under arrest. The three of them are Mexican citizens.

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According to the Vice-minister of the Interior in Guatemala, Elmer Sosa, the authorities are trying to determine if the detainees left their country legally and the intelligence networks are looking with any relationship with El Chapo.

"This is information received through the intelligence units. The information is shared to determine if we have data regarding the airplane on our side, of the people having some migratory movements, anything that could be useful for the investigation. But that's sensitive information and we are not authorized to share it," he said.

In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL, Sosa said that since July 12, when the escape of El Chapo was reported, they had communications with the Mexican authorities and a coordination system was created with Salvador and Honduras, through Interpol and the immigration authorities in order to coordinate actions to detect and arrest Joaquín Guzmán Loera.