
Seven arrested for 'El Chapo' escape

Three were in charge of the prison monitors.

The suspects will be sent to a jail in Guanajuato. (Photo: Christopher Rogel Blanquet/EL UNIVERSAL)
17/07/2015 |18:02Dennis A. García |
Redacción El Universal
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The Office of the Attorney General (PGR) reported that out of 22 suspects for the escape of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, seven public will be sent to prison for the crime of aiding into a convict evasion.

According to PGR sources, three of the detainees are in charge of the monitoring system of the prison of El Altiplano, and the rest are guards.

“The detainees will be held in the Social Readaptation Center Number 12, in Guanajuato," expressed the agency.

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The authorities are investigating the participation of other people, public officials or not, in the evasion of Joaquín Guzmán Loera on July 11.