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Sarampión se ha convertido en enfermedad reemergente; vacunación en México es del 70%, alertan académicas de la UNAM
¿Hasta cuándo se puede renovar la credencial de elector para votar en la reforma judicial?; esta es la fecha límite
MC plantea reforma contra brecha salarial; busca crear políticas públicas contra la discriminación remuneraría
Pitbull won the Urban Artist Award at the Premios Juventud 2015 and the singer took the stage to send a message to Donald Trump.
"I'm not a politician, I'm a musician, and I'm Latino," said the Cuban-born superstar during his speech.
He asked Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton to get it together and beat Trump in the presidential race.
He ended his speech sending a message to Trump: "watch out for El Chapo."