
Donald Trump repeats speech against Mexico

In a speech in Beverly Hills Friday evening, the Republican presidential candidate said Mexico is sending people to the U.S. "that Mexico doesn't want."

Trump isn't backing down from his remarks on Mexico (Photo: AP/Archive)
10/07/2015 |20:25AP |
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Donald Trump isn't backing down from his remarks that Mexican criminals are flowing into the United States illegally.

In a speech in Beverly Hills Friday evening, the Republican presidential candidate said Mexico is sending people to the U.S. "that Mexico doesn't want."

At the same time, Trump says he respects the country of Mexico and its leaders, and has "great relationships" with Mexican people - including his employees.

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Trump says Mexico's leaders are smarter than US politicians and have managed to benefit from trade deals at the expense of American jobs.

Trump gave the speech to a group of conservatives after meeting with the families of crime victims who were killed by people in the US illegally.