
'Bronco' claims victory in Nuevo León

He thanked his supporters and denied that his victory will be used to become president.

'Nuevo León has just given a demonstration of how to change things from the ballot box,' he said. (Photo: Reuters)
08/06/2015 |00:02
Redacción El Universal
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The independent candidate for the government of Nuevo León, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, "El Bronco," proclaimed himself the winner of Sunday's elections and asked his adversaries to admit their defeat.

In a message from his bunker and accompanied by his wife and children, as well as Fernando Elizondo, Rodríguez Calderón denied that his victory will serve him as a ladder for the presidential elections of 2018.

"Today we are at the beginning of the end for a story that began two and a half years ago, and was generously decided in an impressive manner by the citizens of Nuevo León," he said.

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He also thanked all the citizens who dared to defeat the partisan system.

"Nuevo León will be the beginning of this second revolution of Mexican change in the conscience and the attitude of many. Nuevo León has just shown how to change things from the ballot box," he said before departing for the Macroplaza.