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Mexican actor Eugenio Derbez received the Outstanding Achievement Award by the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) on June 27 in Hollywood.
Upon receiving the award, Derbez referred to Donald Trump after his xenophobic comments on Mexican immigrants.
Derbez said that he has been working in the United States for 12 years, which has not been easy, because he had to dealt with "rejection," "ignorance" and "disrespect."
Then he gave the example of Donald Trump, who thinks that every single Latino in the United States is Mexican. "You're wrong! We're honest and hard working people," Derbez said to Trump in his speech. Then he said: "Latinos are also waiters and cooks in all the restaurants in the U.S. Be careful next time you eat at a restaurant, because you might need to swallow your words...and something else."