
EPN welcomes King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia

At the welcoming ceremony at Campo Marte, President Peña Nieto thanked the monarchs for choosing Mexico as the first Latin American country to visit after their proclamation.

Taken from Twitter @PresidenciaMX
29/06/2015 |11:06
Redacción El Universal
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President Enrique Peña Nieto welcomed King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia accompanied by his wife, Angélica Rivera.

"The ties between Spain and Mexico are centenarian, fraternal and indissoluble," President Peña Nieto said at the welcoming ceremony at Campo Marte.

He thanked the monarchs for choosing Mexico as the first Latin American country to visit after their proclamation.

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King Felipe said that the relations between Mexico and Spain are built between people and that they transcend governments and institutions.

"Spain's relations with Mexico are of paramount importance, not only because we are strategic partners, but because we share a common cultural history," he added.

The King ended his speech with an emotional "Viva Mexico."

The monarchs were decorated with the Order of the Aztec Eagle.