
Peña Nieto says that he is still in charge

The President spoke on a radio show about how he feels after his gallbladder surgery.

Peña Nieto said that he is feeling better and remains in charge of the country. (Photo: Archive/ EL UNIVERSAL)
26/06/2015 |17:27
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto made it clear that he continues at the forefront of the country, is aware of what is happening here and in the rest of the world and is in communication with his ministers to address various topics.

After being subjected to a gallbladder surgery, Peña Nieto will have to take a rest, but took the time to talk with Mexican radio host Joaquín López Dóriga on his radio show, stating that he feels good.

In response to the questions about who is in charge of the government now that he is the hospital, Peña Nieto responded "The President. I am not handicapped or disabled, I have no disabilities. I am at the forefront of these activities.

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"I am in a normal convalescence process after a surgery that is commonplace, but I am aware of what is happening in Mexico and other places," he said.

The President will remain in the Central Military Hospital for 24 to 48 hours, according to the doctors in charge of the operation.