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Ramírez Cuéllar propone una Cumbre urgente entre México, EU y Canadá; legislador busca fortalecer unión de América del Norte
Detienen a persona vinculada al homicidio del magistrado Edmundo Román Pinzón; Fiscalía de Guerrero continúa con las indagatorias
Sheinbaum entrega tarjetas Pensión Mujeres Bienestar en Morelos; más de 16 mil derechohabientes serán beneficiadas
PAN cuestiona precio de la gasolina; "es un golpe directo al bolsillo de las familias mexicanas": Jorge Romero
Consulados de México en EU implementan acciones de apoyo a connacionales; inauguran primera ventanilla de salud en Cleveland
The candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, leads over all her potential Republican opponents, and has a strong support by Latinos and women, according to a survey released today.
The survey was conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News, and it shows the former secretary of state garnering broad support from voter groups most likely to determine the election, including Latinos and women under the age of 50.
Looking ahead to the November 2016 election, Mrs. Clinton leads former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, 48% to 40%, in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup. Her lead grows to 10 points in a face-off with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and 14 points against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.