
Russian girl who killed her family says she was victim of abuse

Anastasia Lechtchenko Masney claims to have been abused by Public Prosecutor's staff.

Anastacia claims to have been abused by Public Prosecutor's officers. (Photo: Taken from Facebook)
22/06/2015 |18:58Laura Sánchez / corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Anastasia Lechtchenko Masney, the girl of Russian origin who allegedly killed and tore apart the bodies of her mother and sister, pleaded non-guilty and claimed to have been abused by officers from the Public Prosecutor office.

Her lawyer, Gabriel González Celestino, expressed that his client was subjected to physical examinations on the basis of the Istanbul Protocol and presents blows and evidence of sexual abuse.

She also went through a psychological test indicating that she is in excellent mental condition, he added.

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González Celestino requested her release no later than next Thursday when the deadline to enact constitutional formal arrest or release the detainee ends.