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Chikungunya virus has spread to 10 Mexican states, with 6,436 cases until June 6. Guerrero ranked first with 839 cases, followed by Oaxaca and Chiapas.
According to epidemiological reports from the Health Ministry (SSA), the disease is more prevalent among women than men. Out of the 1,436 patients, 915 were women and 521 men.
So far Campeche has had three cases; Coahuila, one; Colima, 34; Chiapas, 263; Guerrero, 839; Jalisco two; Michoacán six; Morelos, 10; Oaxaca, 268 and Veracruz,10.
The virus, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, causes joint pain, headeache, high fever and skin rashes, among other symptoms.
According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) 10,781 cases of chikungunya have been detected in the Americas and 54 people have died due to the virus.
There is no specific treatment or vaccine available for the disease. The virus was first detected in Tanzania in 1952, and entered Mexico in late 2014.