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The New York Times today published an editorial titled Central America's Unresolved Migrant Crisis, where they urged the U.S. Congress more funds to fight the root causes that lead migration crisis.
"The United States can afford to play a bigger, more constructive role in helping Central American nations" the newspaper stated.
The Obama administration asked Congress for US$1 billion for the border crisis, but last week, the House of Representatives allocated less than US$300 million for Central America.
"Letting the problems fester will inevitably mean that people seeking safety and a better life will keep heading north in large numbers, which will continue to drive up the cost of keeping them out" the NYT added.
The United States has invested heavily in security along the southwestern border over the past decade, in large part to stop unlawful immigration, but American politicians have shown little interest in devoting resources to address the underlying reasons Central Americans continue to head north.
"They include gang violence, chronic poverty, high unemployment and weak government institutions" it said.
Last year, Central American migrants, including thousands of unaccompanied minors, arrived in the U.S., creating a crisis for border communities.