Without confirming or denying her alleged abduction on May 1, Irán Castillo has just expressed that she is well and that does not have "more to say on the matter".

However, a magazine expressed that Castillo has not wanted to give details in order to "not hinder the investigation," according to her relatives.

TVyNovelas magazine asked her if she feels that the press invades her privacy, and she expressed that it does, but added that "such is the work of journalists ... although some media are promoting lies because they have to sell."

Presented with the question of whether it is difficult to get back her life and career, Castillo replied: "I feel good and I think that is what matters, live in the present and what is now happening".

At no time she clarified what happened between May 1 and 3, when she was supposedly deprived of her freedom and allegedly released after her friends paid a ransom.

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